Recently it was said to me that I sure was getting out of my comfort zone! Well, at 62, it is about time to try new things as long as they are legal and safe. I find myself wanting to experience new things in my life and to move forward and not just sit down and grow old. I know that age has snuck up on me and that I must face it with grace and patience, but it is hard sometimes when you still see yourself as a young woman.
I find that I cannot do some things I used to do, but some things I still enjoy today that I did as a young woman ... music for instance ... I sill like some of the same music I listened to in the 60's! It is not easy to move out of your comfort zone when you know that others are looking at you to be well ... the same! I am still the same confident, responsible, hard-working woman that I've always been, but now I am not so worried about the "sameness" in my life ... I search for new things and the successful things I experience I share with my family and friends.
In this world of change, I am glad that I can change some things in my life that make me feel better, but still remain the same woman that most expect me to be. I am evolving I guess and I feel like I am better for that. My daily life is different than most women my age so I have had to adapt to changes that affected me. Along with those changes I have made adjustments in many ways, moving out of a comfort zone into "my" zone so that I could help myself physically and mentally.
To my readers: try moving out of "your" comfort zone - take some chances that enhance your mind and body. See if you feel better from the experience. Have fun with it. Laugh with it.
A Good Thought .... "We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.
~These are My thoughts till next time - ♥ Kuran Anne ♥